Feb. 20, 2024

DJ Sparkles First Episode

DJ Sparkles First Episode

Be prepared as we kick-off our first episode of 2024 and have you actually laughing out loud. Hosts' Carlos and Trish take the reigns of As the Rotor Turns with special guests Ben, Dakota, and Black Joe discussing disaster triage, how the rules of fire training have changed, and why Ben-Access is better than All-Access. The crew then shares some hilarious memories of past road trips for training classes The Rescue Company1 provides and the unforgettable bromance text exchange between Dakota and Andy will leave you in stitches....buddy.

The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

#ceu #ceus #criticalcare #Firefighter #paramedic #fpc #ccpc #trc1 #thatothersmaylive #ctrn #cfrn #rn #cen #tncc #flightnurse #flightmedic #hems #swet #huet #aha #wildernesssurvival #podcast #watersurvival #tpc #airmedicine #emt #emtp #sar #florida #martincounty #Carlos Tavarez #AllAccess #PabstBlueRibbon #DisasterTriage #Nursing #EmergencyNursing #FirstResponders