Sept. 6, 2023

Billions, Boy Scouts, and Business

Billions, Boy Scouts, and Business

In this new episode of As the Rotor Turns, Carlos, Trisha, Amanda, and Jason give a quick business advice on how a five year plan happens in 6 months and their idea for a Hooters spin-off. The OceanGate submarine implosion and what extravagate adventure they would each try if they were billionaires. And they review two new shows; the new Netflix docuseries, Take Care of Maya and the new Peacock series Based on a True Story.

So hike your leg up on the table and get ready, this episode is offensive in multiple languages.

The opinions and views shared here on As The Rotor Turns are strictly those of the hosts and do not reflect the professional capabilities of The Rescue Company 1 or the amazing Dr. Benjamin Abo. Any medical information shared is not instruction and should not be used in place of your local protocols. ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR PROTOCOLS AND POLICIES!

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